
Building an Atmosphere of Trust and Openness

The purpose of evangelization is to lead people to an encounter with Jesus! This personal encounter is the key event in the life of every disciple that changes the direction of life, as we see happen so often in the lives of the disciples recounted in the Scriptures” and in the lives of disciples today. (Living as Missionary Disciples, pgs. 9-10)

For over 50 years, the Catholic Church has been stressing the necessity of evangelization, which is to help people for the first time, again or more deeply to have an encounters with Jesus. These encounters happen in a wide variety of ways ranging from one’s personal prayer, praying with others, the Sacraments, works of mercy, retreats, small group studies and any way the Holy Spirit sees fit. All of these are important, but you might wonder, “Where can I begin or how can I help others to know the gift of an encounter with Jesus?