Social Concerns


The Diocesan Mission Statement recognizes three areas of ministry as essential to carrying out the mission of the Church:  Education, Worship, and Social Concerns.

The Office of Social Concerns implements the U.S. Bishops’ call to the Catholic community, in their 1994 document, “Communities of Salt and Light,” to make Social Justice the mission of the whole church rather than the responsibility of a few.  It assists the Catholic community to bear witness to the truth as expressed by Pope John Paul II that “faith working through love” is the sign of authentic discipleship.

The Diocesan Office of Social Justice encourages the Community to a deeper understanding of Catholic Social Teaching, and provides resources for implementing this teaching through strategies for effective action.  The Office of Social Concerns assists the Catholic community in engaging in its role of “seeking the kingdom of God by engaging in temporal affairs and directing them according to God’s will” as stated in the Vatican II document, “Dogmatic Constitution on the Church.”


Please click here to read a brief document, which is Part I and II of a summary of the US bishops’ reflection, Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, which complements the teaching of bishops in dioceses and states. It will also include a two page section on Civil Dialogue and a two page section on What is Conscience?