Disability Awareness Committee will call upon people of goodwill to re-examine their attitude toward their brothers and sisters with disabilities, promote their well-being, recognize their unique gifts that they offer to the church, and to work to integrate them into a fuller participation into the Christian community.
- Develop Inclusion Representatives in the parishes in the Diocese to invite parishioners with disabilities to participate in liturgy, parish ministry, organizations, and help provide accommodation for those that wish to participate.
- Provide training and support for these Inclusion Representatives to assist them to carry out their role.
- Review and make recommendations for the revision of the Art and Architecture document, and to assist, where asked, in its implementation.
- Support the development of education in the faith of those with special educational needs.
Minutes from our most recent meeting are available.
Toward Inclusive Community Worship
This Committee created a booklet to help raise awareness of families and persons with disabilities in the Diocese.