Please find the following helpful Safe Environment documents and forms. These are all PDF documents and your computer will either ask you to save them to your computer or will automatically download and place in computer’s your “downloads” folder.
- Safe Environment Policy
- Diocesan Sexual Abuse Policy
- Search and Seizure Policy
- Parish’s Annual Reporting Form or Principal’s Annual Reporting Form (PARF). This form comes from the Office of Safe Environment. It is to be completed annually for each location and is due to the Office of Safe Environment by July 15.
Form A: Emergency Medical Release and Health Information for Youth
Form B: Emergency Medical Release and Health Information for Adults
Form C: Diocese of Owensboro Activity Information Form
Form C-Schools: Annual Permission Form for School Activities of One School Day or Less
Forms D-1, D-2, D-3: Code of Conduct for Parish, School & Diocesan-Sponsored Activities with Youth
Form D-4: Adult Code of Conduct
Form E: Volunteer Drivers Form
Form E-1: Liability Coverage for Leased or Hired Vehicles
Form H: Guide for Reporting Abuse