Alcoholic Beverages

Legal Requirements of Parishes:

Based upon federal and state laws, all parishes with any type of liquor license allowing them to serve or sell alcohol at picnics, festivals, or any parish event must observe the following:

  • Alcohol must not be served to someone who appears to be intoxicated.
  • Alcohol may only be purchased by and served to adults 21 years of age and over. Beer servers must check for identification when beer is requested from someone who appears to be even remotely underage.  Further, no person under the age of 21 may attempt to receive, possess, or drink alcoholic beverages.  The parish and its employees, agents, volunteers, workers, and the minor can all be held responsible for the violations.
  • Open containers of alcohol may never be carried off licensed premises.
  • All ABC licensees must purchase their alcohol only from a Kentucky Beer Distributor or Kentucky Liquor Wholesaler.

Legal Requirements of the Alcohol Distributor:

  • Beer must be paid for before or at the time of delivery.
  • Unused or unwanted alcohol may not be returned to a wholesaler or distributor.
  • Distributors and wholesalers may never give licensees free alcohol.
  • Draft beer equipment may be loaned free of charge to a holder of a temporary beer license.  Holders of permanent retail beer licenses must pay the distributor a fee for using draft beer equipment.

Diocesan Policy

Diocesan policy is based upon our moral and legal responsibilities to those who attend the picnic, festival, or parish event where alcohol is served and to the community at large.  This policy requires parishes to strictly enforce all legal alcohol beverage control requirements.  There should be no tolerance of underage drinking on the part of pastors, event chairpersons, and beer or liquor servers.

A PDF of this policy is available here.