Letter from Superintendent David Kessler

Dear Catholic School Families and Staff,

We are committed to beginning the 2021-2022 school year on time and with the best opportunity for uninterrupted, in-person learning for our students and staff.  We share the concerns of our state health officials and healthcare professionals on the rising transmission rates of this virus and the variants that exist in our diocese.  The Delta variant is more contagious and is infecting younger populations.  After consulting with health professionals and our diocesan leadership, we have decided that all students and staff, whether they are vaccinated or not, will be required to be masked indoors from the start of school until Labor Day.

After Labor Day, if conditions have improved, we want all schools to be empowered to evaluate the conditions in their individual communities and determine the best course of action regarding masking protocols at that time.  This will allow the maximum flexibility for each school community based on local conditions.

All of our schools have worked tirelessly to create a safe environment for our students, faculty, and staff.  This same commitment will continue as we move into a new semester and a new year.  As a community, we all have to continue to be flexible and willing to adapt to changes to ensure our schools can open and remain open.  We know that during this time, changes can happen quickly, but we still need every single person in our Catholic school community to remain committed to the decisions that are made.

Finally, we are asking our families to continue their unwavering support of our principals, faculty, and staff as they once again adapt for the best possible safe return to school for our students in 2021-22.  Our schools did a truly amazing job last year we want to continue building on that success.  We are all committed to making this a great year!

God Bless,

David Kessler
Superintendent of Catholic Schools

School Reopening Plan