Black Catholic Day of Reflection

Missionary Discipleship from a Multicultural Perspective; Effective Inclusion   

Sr. Desiré Anne-Marie Findlay

Everyone is invited to the annual Black Catholic Day of Reflection which will be held on Saturday, April 21, 2018 at Precious Blood Parish in Owensboro from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.  The keynote speaker, Sr. Desiré Anne-Marie Findlay, a native of New Mexico, is a member of the Sisters of Saint Felix (Felician Sisters).  She became acquainted with the Sisters on a 100-mile pilgrimage for vocations while she was still in college. Shortly after graduation she entered their community and will take her final vows in 2019.

Currently living in Pennsylvania, Sr. Desiré is actively involved in vocation outreach and working with elementary and middle school children at an after school program founded by one of her Sisters in 2002. Before moving to her current assignment she taught Theology, Spanish and Dance at an all-girl’s high school in Southern California. Sr. Desiré brings a unique perspective to her audience through her Black and Hispanic heritage and her use of dance in her ministry.

Join Bishop Medley and people of all races, cultures and faiths for a day of prayer, fellowship and Joy in Christ beginning with the celebration of Mass. Breakfast and lunch will be included in the program. Ethnic attire, decor and religious items will be available for purchase. Although this is a free event we need a count for the meals and for handouts.  Please register below. Onsite registration will also be available. For more information or to register by phone contact Veronica Wilhite, Director, Office of Black Catholic Ministry at (270) 683-1545 or by email,


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