Healthy Leaders. Healthy Families. Growing in Impact and Effectiveness.
What is the Marriage Ministry Gap? And how can you as a leader bridge that gap? Brad and Marilyn Rhoads will guide the day leading us through three sessions (with a bonus session at the end for those who can stay) discussing the gap, casting a vision, and living refreshed.
Session 1: Bridging the Marriage Ministry Gap.
Session 2: Casting the Vision of Healthy Marriages.
Session 3: Living Refreshed. Growing in Energy and Effectiveness as a Pastor and Leader.
Bonus Session: How to Build a Marriage Ministry in You Parish Using Grace Marriage.
Date: October 24, 2024
Arrival Time: 9:00am
Event Begins: 9:30am
Location: McRaith Catholic Center
600 Locust St, Owensboro KY
Full Day Schedule
Register today below!
Questions? Call and ask for Sara at 270-683-1545 or email