Strategic Priority 1 – The Missionary Disciples’ Journey


Review the reality of the Hispanic/Latino community in the Diocese of Owensboro on page 10 of the pastoral plan. How does it reflect the reality of the Hispanic/Latino community in the geographical boundaries of your parish? How is it different?


Review the quotes from the pastoral plan on page 11.

Study these sections of the ecclesial documents to further study this topic:

  • Evangelii Gaudium
    • The Joy of the Gospel which is ever new and shared (1-13), an evangelizing community of missionary disciples (24), definition of a parish (28), the relationship between the parish and small communities and movements (29), focus on the essentials instead of a multitude of doctrines (35-39), a mother with an open heart (46-49), all the baptized are called to mission, to bear witness to the faith wherever they are (119-134), a kerygmatic and mystagogical catechesis (163-168)
  • Living as Missionary Disciples
    • A Deeper Encounter with Christ: Formation for Discipleship (p. 9-19), a culture of encounter and accompaniment (p. 26-28)
  • The Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry
    • Evangelization and Mission (p. 73-75, 96-98), Ecclesial Movements (p. 92-94), Formation in Faith and Catechesis (p. 75-76, 98-100), Liturgy and Spirituality (p. 81-82, 125-127)


Questions for Parish Leadership      

  • What are the opportunities that the parish already provides for the four steps of the missionary disciples’ journey? Which ones are bearing fruit? Where do changes need to be made to foster missionary discipleship more intentionally? Where are more opportunities needed?
  • Pick one or two areas to focus on for one or two years.
    • Pre-Evangelization activities
    • Kerygmatic opportunities
    • Initial accompaniment
    • Basic catechesis for adults
    • Catechesis and sacramental preparation for children and youth
    • Support for families as communities of faith
    • Small faith communities in the parish
    • The sacramental life of the community
    • Ongoing education
    • Sending forth to share the faith
    • Identifying charisms and gifts
    • Works of charity and justice
  • What support or resources would be needed from the diocesan offices?