Strategic Priority 4 – Works of Charity and Justice


Review the reality of the Hispanic/Latino community in the Diocese of Owensboro on page 23 of the pastoral plan. How does it reflect the reality of the Hispanic/Latino community in the geographical boundaries of your parish? How is it different?


Review the quotes from the pastoral plan on page 24.

Study these sections of the ecclesial documents to further study this topic:

  • Evangelii Gaudium
    • Pastoral ministry in a missionary key (33), taking the first step, getting involved and accompanying (24), the social dimension of evangelization (177-258), reasons for a renewed missionary impulse (262-288)
  • Living as Missionary Disciples
    • Send (p. 33-34)
  • The Proceedings and Conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry
    • Immigration (p. 78-79, 111-114), Justice and Peace (p. 80, 117-119), Human Development (p. 109-111), Migrant Ministry (p. 128-131)


Questions for Parish Leadership      

  • What is the reality of Hispanics/Latinos like in your geographical boundaries?
  • What are their social, economic, family and legal needs?
  • What are the works of charity and justice that the parish already does? Which ones are lacking?
  • Are there people already familiar with resources in the community who could help newcomers? Are there people who could be trained for this ministry?
  • Pick one or two areas to focus on for one or two years.
  • What support or resources would be needed from the diocesan offices?