Bishop Medley on Removal of Confederate Monument in Owensboro

“The events of recent weeks across our nation have reminded us as a society that much work remains to be done to address the sin of racism and further healing in our community and nation. Among the most basic tenets of Christian belief is that each human being is created in the image of God and, therefore, should be treated with dignity from the moment of conception until natural death. The sin of racism is a denial of that fact.  We must all be willing to authentically listen to those whose lives continue to be diminished by racism and prejudice.  Having listened, we must consciously act to bring about change.

For many years the presence of a monument to Confederate war dead has been a contradictory symbol to many people, most especially African American citizens. The cause of the Confederacy cannot be separated from the defense of human slavery. 

I believe that it is time to remove the Confederate monument from the Daviess County Courthouse lawn and I expressed my opinion to the County Judge and county commissioners.  The monument might properly be preserved and displayed in a museum setting where its fuller history can be explained and the embarrassment it has represented may be acknowledged.”

Most Reverend William F. Medley
Bishop, Diocese of Owensboro